Workplace Security Systems

Workplace safety requires extensive planning. In this planning, a preliminary and emergency action scenarios
are created according to all kinds of factors that may cause loss/damage to life and property. Workplace security
systems will give you the planning you will need in the control of all kinds of emergency situations such as extortion,
theft, fire, flooding that may occur in the workplace. These systems, which provide a safe working environment and
can communicate directly with the central unit in emergencies, provide strong security services for every workplace.
What devices do workplace security systems consist of?
Gas detector: Detects gas leaks in the space.
Smoke detector: It detects the smoke in the location.
Motion detector: It is activated at the specified hours and it detects the movement in the environment at the relevant hours and gives an alarm.
Password panel: It is the panel for setting up and programming the alarm system.
Remote control: It is used to control the alarm system remotely, it also enables to activate the panic button remotely.
Magnetic contact: It is activated in unauthorized use of doors and windows.
External siren: It is an alarm system that warns with high light and loud sound outside the place.
Internal siren: It is the device that supports the external siren in the space.
Alarm panel: It is the device that transmits all signals in the system to the relevant alarm monitoring center.
How do these systems work?
- In case of any security breach, a signal is sent to the alarm monitoring center via the relevant detectors or buttons.
- Operators at the alarm monitoring center contact the user to question the authenticity of the alarm.
- After the operators confirm the situation, they immediately contact the necessary units such as the fire brigade, police, law enforcement, and direct them to the relevant address and take the situation under control.
T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü’nden aldığı Ankara Valiliği onaylı “Alarm Merkezi Kurma ve İşletme Belgesi” ve “Alarm Sistemi Kurma Belgesi” ile hizmete başlayan Securitas Alarm İzleme Merkezi, kullanıcıların sistemlerinden gelen her türlü sinyali 7/24 izler ve gerekli durumlarda güvenlik birimlerini hareket geçirir. Securitas Alarm İzleme Merkezi, Türkiye’nin farklı coğrafyada hizmet veren ilk yedekli alarm izleme merkezidir. Merkezde görev yapan çalışanlar, 5188 Sayılı Kanun’a bağlı olarak Güvenlik Kimlik Kartına sahiptir. Securitas’ın iş yeri güvenliği ürünlerini incelemek için hemen tıklayın!