What is Armed Security, and Where Can It Work?

Armed private security officers are typically individuals who carry firearms to ensure the security of an organization or business. These officers are often responsible for safeguarding buildings, facilities, or events, implementing security measures, monitoring potential threats, and intervening when necessary. Armed security officers can work in public places, private companies, government agencies, or private properties.
Where Can an Armed Security Officer Work?
· Public Institutions and Government Buildings: Armed security guards can work to ensure the security of public buildings, government offices, courts, and other official institutions.
· Private Companies: Many private companies hire armed security guards from private security firms to protect their facilities and assets. These companies include shopping malls, hospitals, factories, warehouses, and similar businesses.
· Entertainment and Event Venues: Concert venues, sports stadiums, nightclubs, and other entertainment and event venues may employ armed security guards to ensure the safety of large crowds.
· Shopping Centers: Large shopping centers may require armed security guards for customer and store security.
· Banks and Financial Institutions: Banks and financial institutions may employ armed security guards for customer and employee safety.
· Educational Institutions: Universities, schools, and colleges may hire armed security guards to ensure student safety and protect campuses.
· Energy Facilities: Electricity power plants, oil refineries, and other energy facilities may employ armed security guards for facility safety.
· Airports and Ports: Airports and ports may employ armed security guards to ensure passenger and cargo safety.
· Logistics and Transportation Companies: Companies in the transportation and logistics sector may employ armed security guards to protect goods and vehicles.
· Private Properties and Estates: Some wealthy individuals or private property owners hire armed security guards to protect their homes or private estates.
What Are the Required Conditions to Become an Armed Security Officer?
· Education: Those who are high school or university graduates can attend training to obtain a certificate as an armed security guard, following the regulations of the Ministry of Interior. Armed security guards typically undergo specialized security training, which may include topics such as firearm usage, crisis intervention, communication skills, and security protocols.
· Criminal Record: The backgrounds of individuals who want to become armed security guards are examined. Factors such as criminal record, judicial history, and past incidents associated with violence or crime are evaluated during this process.
· Physical Abilities: Armed security guards are generally expected to be physically fit and healthy. There may be a requirement to undergo a specific health examination and meet certain physical fitness standards.
· Firearms License: Armed security guards are also required to obtain a firearms license for permission to carry and use a firearm. This license grants the legal authority to carry and use a weapon.
· Employer Requirements: Your employer may have specific requirements as well. For example, they may require a certain level of education, experience, or language skills.
How Many Hours Does an Armed Private Security Officer Work?
Armed private security guards can work under different shift arrangements, which means that their working hours can vary. Working hours are determined based on the employer's needs and security requirements.
Night Shift: Many armed security guards work the night shift. This is often due to the need to ensure the security of facilities or assets during the night. The night shift typically starts in the evening and continues until the early morning hours.
Day Shift: Some armed security guards work the day shift. This may involve ensuring security during regular business hours. The day shift typically starts in the morning and can continue until the evening hours.
· Weekdays and Weekends: Armed private security guards may work on different days, including weekdays and weekends. This can vary depending on the employer's requirements and business needs.
· Rotating Shifts: Some security guards may work rotating shifts, which can involve working different shifts throughout the week.
· On-Call Basis: Armed security guards may be called in on an on-call basis during emergencies or special events. In such situations, working hours can be unpredictable.
To become an armed security officer within Tepe Savunma, you can fill out the form available on their career page.