What are the working areas of private security guards?

Private security guards are divided into armed and unarmed. Accordingly, both security personnel go through different
training programs and start their duties. Private security guards work areas include various events such as sites,
hospitals, concerts, theaters, schools, banks, shopping malls. There are many places like
It is possible to employ and serve private security guards in almost every region of social life. Armed private security guards can work in different places than unarmed private security guards, as they are subject to training on private security law, effective communication, basic first aid, drug knowledge, as well as gun knowledge and shooting training, which includes basic security training.
Working areas of armed private security officers:
- Universities and private educational institutions
- Government offices
- Places where games of chance are played
- Entertainment venues
- Performance centers
- Gyms and stadiums
- Personal protection services
- Site and residence
- Shopping malls, concerts and similar activity areas
Working areas of unarmed private security officers:
- Site and home security
- Hospital security
- Educational institutions
- Airports
- Production facilities
- Factories
- Industrial zones
Places such as private security guards are among the working areas.
A safe environment that provides appropriate security services with its constantly renewing structure. Tepe Defense and Security, which helped create; With 15 thousand private security personnel AVM security solutions, banking and finance, port, logistics and warehousing, automotive, retail and merchandising, industry and production, continues to provide security in sites and residences successfully.
The only security company with RSO certification
In 2004 T.C. Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications (T.R. Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs) Tepe Savunma ve ve Ticaret A.Ş., authorized by the RSO (Recognized Security Organization) certificate for ports and ships, Security, 17 ports 602 private security guard serves with. To date, Canada, Malta, Montenegro Tepe Defense provides consultancy on port and ship security in more than six countries, especially in Turkmenistan. ve Security is currently active in three ports in the TRNC.
Many locations not mentioned in the article can also be included in the work areas of private security officers. Private security personnel is a profession with a wide variety of work areas.