If We are Safe, We are Peaceful

Evlerimize, işyerlerimize giriş ve çıkışlarda, alışveriş yaptığımız alışveriş merkezleri ziyaretlerimizde ve daha pek çok yerde, özel güvenlik görevlilerinin kapıda bizleri karşılamaları, güvenlik kontrollerinden geçmemiz, güven ve huzur duymamızı sağlıyor. Zira güven kavramı huzuru da temsil eden bir kavram.
Not only for work and home environments, but also for us to have fun peacefully especially in entertainment areas can be ensured by the controls at the security points. Among the powers of Private Security Guards are issues such as passing through the sensitive door of those who want to enter the areas where they provide protection and security, searching the tops of these people with a detector, passing the items through the X-ray device or similar security systems, asking for identification at meetings, concerts, sports competitions, stage shows and similar events, and funerals and wedding ceremonies.
Depending on the current conditions, the powers of Private Security Guards may also expand. For example; As explained in Article 7/c; (Amended: 23/1/2008 – 5728/544 Md. ) Arrest in accordance with Article 90 of the Criminal Procedure Code, as described in Article 7/d (Amended: 23/1/2008 – Article 5728/544. ) They also have much broader powers in the field of duty, such as arresting and searching persons for whom there is an arrest warrant or conviction.
In social events,natural disasters such as earthquakes and in case of distress,they can enter the workplaces and residences in the field of duty. On the other hand, they have the authority to take into custody items that constitute a crime or may be evidence during searches or that may pose a danger although they do not constitute a crime, provided that they immediately notify the relevant law enforcement authorities. In order to protect the person from a danger to his body or health, he has the authority to arrest, to ask for identification in public transportation facilities such as airports, ports, stations, stations and terminals, to pass through the sensitive door, to search the tops of these people with a detector, to pass the items through the X-ray device or similar security systems.
The fact that Private Security Officers have many powers in the society regarding the subject of "Security" also makes a great contribution to social peace. Tepe Savunma and Security Systems are also voluntarily involved in many corporate social responsibility activities with the aim of adding value to society, protecting and keeping it safe . The corporate social responsibility activities developed jointly with AFAD and AKUT on the basis of being prepared for disasters and climate crises and the voluntary "Tepe Hayat Team" consisting of Tepe Savunma employees are valuable indicators of the efforts in this context.
The basis of Tepe Defense and Security Systems' understanding of "security"; It is based on the understanding of "protecting people, society, nature and the future as a whole". "Private Security Service" is offered with the goal of a sustainable world.
Some conditions are required for those who will apply to become a Private Security Officer. A person who has received a "Private Security Training Institution Activity Permit" from the Ministry of Interior can apply for the courses that are required to be "private security" and can enroll in the course.
The Conditions for Being Armed / Unarmed Private Security are explained as follows;
- To be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey.
- (Amended: 21/4/2005 – Article 5335/23. ) At least eight years of primary or secondary school for those who will serve unarmed; be a graduate of at least high school or equivalent school for those who will serve as a gunman.
- To be over 18 years of age.
- (Amended: 2/1/2017 - Decree - Article 680/69. ) Even if the periods specified in Article 53 of the Turkish Criminal Code dated 26/9/2004 and numbered 5237 have passed or it has been decided to postpone the announcement of the verdict;
- Not to be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of one year or more for an offence committed with intent.
- Not to be convicted, even if pardoned, of offences against the security of the State, the Constitutional order and its functioning, private life and the secret sphere of life and sexual inviolability, as well as offences of drugs or stimulants, embezzlement, embezzlement, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, abuse of trust, fraudulent bankruptcy, mischief in the execution of a contract, mischief in the performance of an act, laundering the value of assets resulting from crime, smuggling and prostitution.
- There is no ongoing investigation or prosecution of him for offences against the constitutional order and its functioning, against private life and the secret sphere of life, against sexual immunity, and for offences against drugs or stimulants.
- (Mülga: 23/1/2008 – Article 5728/578)
- Not to be disabled by physical and mental illness that may prevent the performance of the duty. (1)
- To have successfully completed the private security basic training specified in Article 14.
- (Added: 2/1/2017 - Decree - Article 680/69 ) Security investigation to be positive.
Institutions and organizations that will provide Security Services pay attention to the fact that these conditions are met and the necessary trainings are met in the persons they will employ as "Private Security Officers". Tepe Defense and Security, with the importance it attaches to education and its corporate structure based on the values of Bilkent Holding, attaches importance to the continuous training of the Private Security Officers they employ.
The conditions required for the possession of Private Security Officers, who have undertaken important duties in the continuation of social peace , have been defined quite comprehensively. The powers of the candidates who meet these requirements are also explained by law. With the security service, which is strengthened with electronic and technological equipment as well as physical security, safer living, business and entertainment areas are being built every day. The ever-present desire of mankind for development and progress continues at a great pace in the field of "Private Security Service".